I got the last Astonishing X Men !! The guy behind the counter said he was surprised they were selling so fast. I told him that Buffy fans must be coming in and getting them "since this is all we have until Serenity."
Then I Squeed like a little fan girl because right by the counter was some kind of Dork Tower card game and Jilli was on the front!
It wasn't a Dork Tower game. The artist that does Dork Tower does art for a couple of cardgames, one of them being the one you probably saw, Chez Goth...
Chez Goth would be it!
I wasn't paying too much attention becuase there was another customer who had been in a deep conversation with the comic guy when I went to pay for my stuff.
Plus I was tryign to get out of there before I spent more than $5.
I already spent $30 on Tuesday at a different shop! And I think there are some new issues I haven't bought yet (I have to check). Plus I think there are some current issues I don't have yet (I have to look) and, of course, more back issues to buy.
Not to mention all the tempting tpbs.
The art in Secret War reminds me of the cutscenes in Max Payne.
The Duck Dodgers / Green Lantern episode is on Cartoon Network this morning at 11:30am Eastern.
Also, the Justice League season finale is finally being shown this evening at 7:30pm Eastern.
The Duck Dodgers / Green Lantern episode is on Cartoon Network this morning at 11:30am Eastern.
Right in the middle of my appointment with my therapist. Bah.
the Justice League season finale is finally being shown this evening at 7:30pm Eastern
What the hell is up with their scheduling? Boggles.
I did hear advance word on it to the tune of "answers a lot of questions." I didn't know there were questions. My curiosity is double-piqued.
I've been bouncing through the huge Elseworlds download. It makes me realise that I'm mostly art's bitch -- there's art bad enough that I won't stay long enough to see if the story's good -- Scott Lee's work on New Titans Annual #10 was clunky enough I didn't stay long enough to see if the bombastic language had a payoff. Kiki Chansamone on JLI was just hideous. But I also hated Kelley Jones's work on the Bloodstorm series ... but the idea was made clear early enough that I stayed on, and I'm glad I did.
However, the ones that make my eyes cheer -- Dave Johnson on Superman: Red Son (and incidentally I loved the story too), Howard Chaykin on Batman: Dark Allegiances -- these I'm considering buying in hard copy.
It's like a double refresher on characters (damn, JLI was dumb as well as forgettable) and writers and artists.