She's so hot. I'm kinda not looking forward to loaning the comic to my boyfriend because - I'm not that hot.
She's not hot, she's just drawn that way.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
She's so hot. I'm kinda not looking forward to loaning the comic to my boyfriend because - I'm not that hot.
She's not hot, she's just drawn that way.
I take it she WAS a bad guy but is now a good guy?
A-yup, although one suspects her world view hasn't changed all that much.
A-yup, although one suspects her world view hasn't changed all that much.
I really don't trust her. Plus she's so hot. How could someone that hot not be evil?
She's not hot, she's just drawn that way.
No no, she's hot. Jessica Rabbit is hot too. I wanted to be her for Halloween.
I'm kinda not looking forward to loaning the comic to my boyfriend because - I'm not that hot.
Yes, but Emma? Not real. You and your cleavage, however, very much are.
Yes, but Emma? Not real. You and your cleavage, however, very much are.
You make a good point. Also, I have dark hair, and he prefers dark hair.
I'm kinda not looking forward to loaning the comic to my boyfriend because - I'm not that hot.
Yes, you're made of, what's the word . . . . flesh, not ink. Trust me, as stupid as we guys generally are, most of us can tell the difference.
Yes, you're made of, what's the word . . . . flesh, not ink. Trust me, as stupid as we guys generally are, most of us can tell the difference.
I don't know, my boyfriend always seems slightly disappointed that I'm not 16-bit and pixellated. I guess it's a SNES thing.
Well, pixels are different.
Hate to be the lone dissenter, but Emma just doesn't do it for me. I mean, I acknowledge that she's very nicely shaped and whatnot, but I'm just sort of meh. I know it's silly to say about a drawing but she just seems very "fake". She reminds me of the plastic blondes you see on the covers of commercial porn. Very much not my style. Though, obviously, YHottitudeMV.
Cyclops' costume just bugs me because he looks like he should be participating in the luge(sp?) not fighting supervillans. And Beast's is just wierd with the X-thingy coming partway up his torso. It looks like some kind of futuristic overalls from "Deliverance: The Next Generation" or something. Kitty and Wolverine I'm cool with. Emma, I just sort of shrug at because while it seems appropriate to the character from what I can tell so far (very much out of the loop in the X-verse. Most of my knowledge likewise comes from the cartoons from the 80's and 90's.) but again, I'm sort of meh on her appearance.
That said, I'm looking forward to the next issue.
Emma is hot in a plasticene way, except eviler than plastic.