I'm with Kiba, I loved the retro feel to the costumes.
I liked Cassaday's artwork, especially on Kitty and Wolverine. Hank? Eh. Don't like the kitty look, but Cassaday's not to blame for that - he's working with what he got. But I still miss the old Hank.
Kitty's always been my favorite, and I liked the way Joss wrote her here, especially her bits about "remembering to put on all my clothes" and "I have cloud hair". The one thing I'm not sure about was her claims to not be a fighter. She was pretty well-established in the old Excalibur series, as someone who could kick some serious ass. I know Claremont regressed her when he started writing her again, but did he take that away from her too? And nice history nod from Wolvie about wanting her at his back.
I'm mad at Emma. How dare she be so hot? It makes me upset because I am all "Boo Emma" and then she has to go and be hot like that, and it makes it very difficult.
Snacky, re: Kitty
I haven't read Excalibur but is it possible Kitty doesn't think of herself as a fighter even though she may be one?
Claremont regressed her? I'm looking at the latest Official Handbook, and her fighting skills are 5. Puts her higher than Beast (4), Cyclops (4), Emma (3) -- basically, she's only less of a fighter than Wolverine.
she just meant she didn't want to?
Kiba, that could be - I could see Kitty doing that. But in Excalibur, especially while she was with Pete Wisdom, she was pretty confident in her ass-kicking skills.
ita, I think Claremont "de-aged" her in X-treme and kind of did the handwave thing around her grown-up affair with Pete Wisdom.
But not wanting to? Yeah, I could see that from Kitty.
If that was horribly incoherent & babbly, sorry.
Hello, Violet! And thanks for that run-down of what's been happening with X-Men. It made sense to me, but I'm used to, um, complicated arcs in comics by now.
Liked Astonishing a lot, mainly for its retro-ness.
Also, I've concluded Joss must enjoy using the name Summers a lot.
And I realize how out of the X-Men loop I am in that
I have no idea who Emma Frost is.
I really like
Beast's feline look
And Kitty rocks like a rocking thing.
edited because I seem to have XF on the brain.
Frankenbuddha -- she's the White Queen. Ex-leader of the Hellions. You must have been gone a
Frankenbuddha -- she's the White Queen. Ex-leader of the Hellions. You must have been gone a long time.
Yes, for I have read her, with my stopping at - I'm gonna go look for an exact date - yeah, I was right - 1984.