Claremont regressed her? I'm looking at the latest Official Handbook, and her fighting skills are 5. Puts her higher than Beast (4), Cyclops (4), Emma (3) -- basically, she's only less of a fighter than Wolverine.
she just meant she didn't want to?
Kiba, that could be - I could see Kitty doing that. But in Excalibur, especially while she was with Pete Wisdom, she was pretty confident in her ass-kicking skills.
ita, I think Claremont "de-aged" her in X-treme and kind of did the handwave thing around her grown-up affair with Pete Wisdom.
But not wanting to? Yeah, I could see that from Kitty.
If that was horribly incoherent & babbly, sorry.
Hello, Violet! And thanks for that run-down of what's been happening with X-Men. It made sense to me, but I'm used to, um, complicated arcs in comics by now.
Liked Astonishing a lot, mainly for its retro-ness.
Also, I've concluded Joss must enjoy using the name Summers a lot.
And I realize how out of the X-Men loop I am in that
I have no idea who Emma Frost is.
I really like
Beast's feline look
And Kitty rocks like a rocking thing.
edited because I seem to have XF on the brain.
Frankenbuddha -- she's the White Queen. Ex-leader of the Hellions. You must have been gone a
Frankenbuddha -- she's the White Queen. Ex-leader of the Hellions. You must have been gone a long time.
Yes, for I have read her, with my stopping at - I'm gonna go look for an exact date - yeah, I was right - 1984.
Yes, for I have read her, with my stopping at - I'm gonna go look for an exact date - yeah, I was right - 1984.
It's been that long since she was in the title? But she has her own title now, though. I learned all my X-Men lore from the animated series, so I know who she is, generally.
No, Polter-Cow - she's been in it more recently than that - what I'm saying is, if one's never heard of her, then one hasn't been reading since a ridiculously long time ago.
I would like to read her title, now. Maybe then I could forgive her for being so hot when I want to hate her so much. (It's just so frustrating because - mean to Kitty! But SO sexy!) I will probably wait for the TPB though.
I would like to read her title, now. Maybe then I could forgive her for being so hot when I want to hate her so much.
Heh. As far as I can tell, whoever draws the covers doesn't even read the issues. He just cranks out some picture of Emma looking really hot. Which, hey, I don't mind.