I thought that they made Snyder really bulked up - -but overall I like the designs.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I thought that they made Snyder really bulked up
I was thinking that too, but we don't see him next to any other characters. If he's tiny next to the others, well, a bulked up runt still looks like a runt.
I like the Snyder design. It helps give him the air of menace that the actor playing Snyder conveyed through his body language.
I don't think the Giles character design is all that great, but YGMV.
Giles and Joyce look younger than their real-life counterparts. Joyce, in particular, looks a bit too much like a typical "cartoon mom". Not that there's anything wrong with that; they are all adorable.
Funny how pretty much every drawing manages to look like the actor except Buffy.
I wonder if that is because all of the actors signed up to do the voices except SMG.
Is it official that the animated series is deader than a dead thing?
Also, BTW, Buffy # 53 is out in the stores. At least the cover art is about a million times better than last month's issue. I'll report in when I get a chance to read the issue.
Last I heard, it had looked like it was going to happen, because suddenly someone expressed interest in it. But this was back in sept-oct, and I was suddenly thinking JW's brain would explode since it would be four shows to run.
But since then I have heard nothing, so I figure it went back into turnaround...
Is it official that the animated series is deader than a dead thing?
What the hell - I just emailed Eric Wight and asked him what he knew about it. Let's see if he responds.
Jon, look in the admin mailbox.