I don't think the Giles character design is all that great, but YGMV.
'Just Rewards (2)'
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Giles and Joyce look younger than their real-life counterparts. Joyce, in particular, looks a bit too much like a typical "cartoon mom". Not that there's anything wrong with that; they are all adorable.
Funny how pretty much every drawing manages to look like the actor except Buffy.
I wonder if that is because all of the actors signed up to do the voices except SMG.
Is it official that the animated series is deader than a dead thing?
Also, BTW, Buffy # 53 is out in the stores. At least the cover art is about a million times better than last month's issue. I'll report in when I get a chance to read the issue.
Last I heard, it had looked like it was going to happen, because suddenly someone expressed interest in it. But this was back in sept-oct, and I was suddenly thinking JW's brain would explode since it would be four shows to run.
But since then I have heard nothing, so I figure it went back into turnaround...
Is it official that the animated series is deader than a dead thing?
What the hell - I just emailed Eric Wight and asked him what he knew about it. Let's see if he responds.
Jon, look in the admin mailbox.
Yeah, I'm a pusher.
The Snyder looks ape-like, but Xander is spot-on.
Giles doesn't look quite right to me. I think the Willow and Xander characters most resemble the real actors, but the rest are pretty good, though the ape-like Snyder does seem a little weird. And Dawn looks like a demon-child. Doesn't look like MT at all, though the character is years younger there. I have a feeling Dawn'll be even more obnoxious in the cartoon, if it's ever produced, than she's ever been on the show.
(Edited to fix my grammar so the post does in fact resemble our earth-logic.)