I'm a cleavagey slutbomb
Sadly, I also picked up Secret War. Which I like. Dammit.
Dude, the next issue is finally out? Sweet! Except it's been so long I totally forgot what the hell happened in the first issue. (Is it bad to like Secret War? Oops.)
And I just adore the reveal (the first one) in Ultimate. I had to cheer.
I read the first issue cause it was one of the ones available for Free Comic Book Day last year, and yeah, that was pretty damn cool. Made me want to read the rest of the series, but I'm lazy and read enough titles as it is.
I don't think I'll have time to hit the comic book store and read till tomorrow night. Blast.
Polter, the Ultimate series are neatly TPBed up for you.
Just in case.
It's well done. Got me excited about X again.
It's well done. Got me excited about X again.
Cool, maybe I'll check it out sometime. I've heard great things about Ultimate Spidey, which I still haven't checked out, but I haven't heard any buzz about X, so.
No Astonishment at my shop.
Bought No Man's Land 2, and The Long Halloween which got the big thumbs up from Goth Metal Boy behind the counter. (In his opinion it was the best BatFam TPB.) Also got Tales of the Vampires 5, and Teen Titans Go! (the animated companion) for Emmett, who was very pleased to receive it and devoured it avidly.
I read The Long Halloween recently, and I can't say it really did anything for me.
(In his opinion it was the best BatFam TPB.)
Gothboy is so wrong. It's not even the best Loeb. (That would be Dark Victory, but I think Loeb is better at emotional impact than powerful plotting.)
Gothboy is so wrong.
I have no opinion yet, but in continuity order this follows after Batman Year One doesn't it? Also I've always been interested in Harvey Dent's character.
I read The Long Halloween recently, and I can't say it really did anything for me.
Tep, did you re-read after the twist ending to see if that changed how you looked at the story? (I did, and it did, but I'm not sure if it was for the better or not.)
Tep, did you re-read after the twist ending to see if that changed how you looked at the story?
No, because by then I just wasn't invested in the story. My reaction was basically "Buh? Huh. Meh."
ka-shrug I have no opinion yet, but in continuity order this follows after Batman Year One doesn't it? Also I've always been interested in Harvey Dent's character.
Check the Continuity Pages, but pretty much, I think.
My collection is a muddle of in and out of continuity stuff, thanks to Zero Hour and the mild dose of reset it provided. Full Circle, which I recall liking a lot, is out of continuity, for example. I should re-org the shelves to reflect that, come to think of it.