ka-shrug I have no opinion yet, but in continuity order this follows after Batman Year One doesn't it? Also I've always been interested in Harvey Dent's character.
Check the Continuity Pages, but pretty much, I think.
My collection is a muddle of in and out of continuity stuff, thanks to Zero Hour and the mild dose of reset it provided. Full Circle, which I recall liking a lot, is out of continuity, for example. I should re-org the shelves to reflect that, come to think of it.
Local comic shop has titles in alphabetical order as well. *shrugs*
Yeah, I can see why you had no problem getting help today, Kiba.
Picked up Astonishing and TotV5 today. Haven't read the latter yet.
AX seems alright for a setup issue. Really not grooving on Cyclops and Beast's new costumes, though. Not caring for Beast's look at all, to be honest. But that's an art issue rather than a writing issue.
Realized in reading it that I have absolutely no idea what's going on in the Marvel-verse these days.
Also, Emma mentions having "the best body money can buy" I'm assuming there was some surgery involved, then? Because my first reaction to her close up was that she looked "too perfect". and I realize a lot of that is simply a comic book thing, but it seemed even moreso there. And how did Jean die? And when?
This post was brought to you by fun with font tags and the number 8.
I will say one thing about Cyclops:
smallest package in superhero costume history.
Beast's costume is dumb.
Jean died
as part of something I failed to understand, since it happened in the pages of Grant Morrison and I hated his run. I think she
dies to save the world from evil Beast. She rights a timeline, or something, which is how Scott and Emma end up together with her implicit blessing, after they were having a psychic affair.
I hate the leonine Beast. I liked the previous blue furry incarnation better.
eta: PMM, that explains so much.
Back to AXM in delayed Kashi:
I'm a little disappointed in Cassaday's art in this one. There's not the sense of movement that I know he can do (and I'm reading Planetary right now--much motion). It's all very still and wax museum.
I talked about writing up my "before" and "after" list of trades & graphic novels, and I finally did.
Now I crawl into bed with more comics.
Hello comics Buffistas! I've been enjoying reading the discussion of Batfamily books, and now delurk here to say that during Morrison's run, Magneto, thought to be dead, was concealed in the Mansion posing as Xorn, a teacher. While this was going on, Cyclops & Emma Frost had a psychic affair & Jean found out. Scott went running off to do various boring things with Wolverine. Back at the Mansion, someone shot Emma in diamond form & shattered her into many bits, & Jean healed her with the Phoenix Force. Then Magneto revealed himself & killed lots of people in New York. The X-Men survive his attempts to kill them off, confront him, & Magneto kills Jean with a huge electromagnetic pulse. (Don't know why this worked better than sending her into the sun did, but hey ...) Then Wolverine beheaded Magneto. There was then a mini-arc set in the future, in which evil Beast torments the world & a re-awakened Jean looks back and realizes that Scott's decision to turn away from Emma because of his grief set all sorts of horrible things in motion, so she reaches back & nudges Scott toward Emma.
If that was horribly incoherent & babbly, sorry. I couldn't find a link just now that explained it better, though I know I've seen some in the past.
As for Astonishing, I agree with Kalshane on the costumes - bleah. The faces look odd & inconsistent to me, but on re-reading I decided they were very expressive. Story-wise, it seemed to be off to a promising start. Emma's comment was probably my favorite part. Funny & angsty - yay!
amych, you could give Second Foundation a call and see if they've got any left. Maybe amyth or smonster or myself could run by and grab one for you.
As for Astonishing, I agree with Kalshane on the costumes - bleah
Aww. They made me happy with their retroness.