You mean you can go to the comics store and spend less than $10?
Huh. I don't have that much willpower.
Yeah, I can't do it, not really. I think I tried once when I was going to pick up Fray. Ha. Which reminds me that I need to ebay for 7 & 8.
...proof of my inability to spend less than $10 is that though I only needed to spend $6 for 2 copies of Joss's X-Men (friend asked me to grab one for her), and I had cash for that express purpose, I still walked out of there with the first TPB for Y- the Last Man. (That's because a Bronzer draws it.) for Astonishing, I've had it for almost an hour now but not read it yet, because I want to be able to give it my undivided attention. probably not happening today, at all.
Remember that thing I said, about not reading it today?
Complete and utter bullshit.
I just read it now - it's so short!
Y'all are scaring me. I've never actually been in a comic store, or not for decades, anyway. I've either been handed things and told to read them or ordered online. But I've got a date with Astonishing X-Men, today, so...
So, should I go to the place that is rumored to have the better selection but is out of my way, or the other place that is near DH's work? Should I accept that I will eventually be haunting both of them?
What city do you live in?
joss mentioned the animated series in the EW interview too.
Time to dust off the spec script.
Y'all are scaring me. I've never actually been in a comic store, or not for decades, anyway.
My local comic shop isn't scary. Even on Wednesday it's not very packed.
Single issues will be arranged by publisher, most likely. If you see titles like Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, X-Men, you'll know you're on the Marvel side. You see Batman, Superman, JLA, Flash stuff? You're on the DC side. You see a bunch of titles and don't recognize a one? Congrats, you probably found the small/independent publishing houses.
You shouldn't feel stupid for walking up to an employee and asking for help finding something. If the employee makes you feel dumb, then you probably don't wanna give them your business, anyway.
Thanks, shrift, I'm gonna print that out and take it with me. Fleeing in ignorance becaue the store employees are intimidating is my usual tactic, I'm afraid.
Thanks, shrift, I'm gonna print that out and take it with me.
Heh. You're welcome.
Oh, and I don't know if they do this elsewhere, but at my local shop, the brand new issues are displayed on shelves just above the magazine racks of comics.
It actually took me a while to realize that, despite the fact that the new comics are basically on eye-level.
Fleeing in ignorance becaue the store employees are intimidating is my usual tactic, I'm afraid.
Yeah, comic store employees can sometimes turn out to be like the guys who work in the record store in High Fidelity.
And also it makes you look like a big dork who has nothing better to do than go to a comic book store twice a week.
Luckily there are three comic book stores in town and since I hit two yesterday (they are fairly close to each other) I can hit the other today.
sj -- there have been times I want to ask something but don't because it seems like such a basic question. But when I have talked to the various employees at the various stores they've been very nice and helpful and happy to enable my new addiction.
Also I forgot to mention that in 2 stores the new comics are arranged alphabetically. And on store has more recent back issues behind the current issues.
But the other place has them divided up by publisher.