I think 1-800-KILL-JASON was a great idea, myself. But, as Jilli knows, I'm like that about things. Sadly, the story itself both sucks and blows. I mean, not the bones of it, but the execution, no pun intended.
However, it makes up for it with the happy lingering aftermath, so all is forgiven.
Also, Jilli, when you get back from PDX? I seem to have become a regular at the comic book store near your house. As in, shoot the shit about comics with the guy behind the counter. Oh, and indie and DC backstock is half-off at the moment. Don't know for how long. Though it is fair to say that the DC section is pretty picked over. Isayinnocently. I'll loan you the good stuff.
Today was a good comics day. In addition to major scores at the store in question (finally! My own hard copy of BoP #8, and way the hell cheaper than I've seen it elsewhere), the Half Price near my house had a close-out on a lot of their comics stock, so I got most of the Winick-era Green Lanterns for a quarter each. And some other stuff that seemed like a good idea at the time.
I think 1-800-KILL-JASON was a great idea, myself.
Jason Todd IS Larry the Lobster.
Okay. Skipping a lot. Seen recs before for this type of thing, but must ask anyway.
Things I've read:
Batman Year One
Robin Year One
Batgirl Year One (reading now)
No Mans Land
Dark Knight Returns
The Long Halloween
Dark Victory
Some other random bat trades, long ago.
What should I read now? I'm interested in this Barbara Gordon / Dick Grayson stuff, but I'm slow about the universe. I'm mostly interested in sticking with trades and novels. So... what next?
So... what next?
Well... I just made Emily read Batman: Arkham Asylum, so I guess I'll throw it out here, too.
Heh. That's one of the random ones I read a while ago, Vic. But it was good. Thanks for the suggestion. =)
Where can I get the goods on how Babs turned into Oracle, new batgirl replaced her, et cetera? I got most of the backstory sort of as an aside in No Man's Land, but is there a place that goes over it better?
The Killing Joke?
Although if you Arkham Asylum, I'd guess you'd already read TKJ.
Actually, no. I probably should. Added to my list.
ETA: I am far too excited about the
that just occurred in Batgirl: Year One. This is going to be bad, I tell you.
Ooooh, this is a good list/set of suggestions. I am just getting into this universe and have been trying to find the best starter set to get me going. Is there an essential set of Birds of Prey books that I need to read to get the post-Batgirl Oracle story, or should I just start working my way through the series?
There's a terrific Oracle (as distinct from Batgirl) origin in
Batman Chronicles no. 5.
However, as it's one I have in cyber form, I'm not sure how easily available it is on paper.
I personally loved the Miller's interpretation of the Batmobile in Dark Knight Returns. Now that's respectin' authoritay.