Well, I can see how in Dick's world view, it's not hypocrisy, but that would involve hand gestures or something. Also, sorting out my extended thoughts on the matter.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
So, thanks to my local pusher Plei, I re-read Killing Joke (and had managed to somehow forget just HOW fucked-up that particular story is). I also read A Death in the Family, and realized that I had never actually read that arc before. I knew the broad outlines, sure, but apparently never sat down and read the thing. Upon reading it, I realized that I wasn't that enthralled with the writing. It felt ... clunky. And exposition-laden, in that
explain what happened in the previous issue
way that annoys me to no end. (Can someone reassure me that more recent Batverse stuff doesn't do that anymore?)
Plus, the Joker becoming the UN delegate for Iran felt too gimmicky for me. That, and the panel of Bruce ripping open his jacket & shirt to show the bat symbol while things are merrily going to hell? Waaaaaay out of character, in my head. Supes does that sort of thing, not Bruce. Bruce is far too mindful of keeping his secret identity a secret, not to mention where the heck would he hide the bat-cowl in a regular suit?
I recognize the importance of the arc to the Batverse canon, but wow, the writing REALLY set my teeth on edge. Did not like it at all.
Tonight, I read Tim Drake, Boy Stalker A Lonely Place of Dying, which I'm pretty sure will NOT set my teeth on edge. Then Plei will loan me the next chunk of Essential Batverse Reading, and I'll slowly-but-surely get sucked into the fandom.
(Can someone reassure me that more recent Batverse stuff doesn't do that anymore?)
They don't do that anymore. Exposition is MUCH smoother and less clunky. Also, they are slightly less prone to heavy-handed takes on Current Events. ADitF is sort of a "I will read it because it is key to understanding many things, but I will not ENJOY it."
Powers, book 1
Judgment Day was kind of disappointing. It's no Watchmen. It had a nice concept, but maybe I really should have read the Supreme books first, because I didn't really care about any of the characters since I didn't know who they were. Regardless, it felt pretty meh.
I skipped Judgment Day because I've been led to understand that the involvement of Rob Liefield is the kiss of death. Supreme pretty well sucked, too.
Love me some Powers.
It's good. The inestimable Leonard Pierce wrote an article about it for the upcoming High Hat.
JilliVoiceof Reason:
I share many of the critiques you had about the A Death in the Family arc, ESPECIALLY how it seemed to jump the shark with the Joker becoming Iran's UN delegate. Of course the real perplexing element of Jason Todd's untimely demise was the way that DC Comics sponsored that 1-800 number for readers to phone in to vote whether the writers would implement the Jason Todd Lives or Jason Todd Dies storyline.
I recommend if you haven't read the Red Rain/Bloodstorm/Crimson Mist trilogy under the Elseworlds label of DC. It's a personal favorite of mine. That, and the grim, gritty and vengeful The Dark Knight Returns saga written by Frank Miller are ones I consider vital elements of my collection.
I think 1-800-KILL-JASON was a great idea, myself. But, as Jilli knows, I'm like that about things. Sadly, the story itself both sucks and blows. I mean, not the bones of it, but the execution, no pun intended.
However, it makes up for it with the happy lingering aftermath, so all is forgiven.
Also, Jilli, when you get back from PDX? I seem to have become a regular at the comic book store near your house. As in, shoot the shit about comics with the guy behind the counter. Oh, and indie and DC backstock is half-off at the moment. Don't know for how long. Though it is fair to say that the DC section is pretty picked over. Isayinnocently. I'll loan you the good stuff.
Today was a good comics day. In addition to major scores at the store in question (finally! My own hard copy of BoP #8, and way the hell cheaper than I've seen it elsewhere), the Half Price near my house had a close-out on a lot of their comics stock, so I got most of the Winick-era Green Lanterns for a quarter each. And some other stuff that seemed like a good idea at the time.
I think 1-800-KILL-JASON was a great idea, myself.
Jason Todd IS Larry the Lobster.