I went to the comic book store in order to get the current Nightwing issue and several back issues. I set a limit and I stayed within it.
Until I was directed to the cheap comics. So now I have more Nightwing comics than I planned on.
I totally blame Plei.
Hmmm . . . . Big rumours of Aronofsky directing the Watchmen:
Alan Moore hysteria continues to sweep - aside from the film of "Constantine" (starring Keanu Reeves and soundtracked by Latrobe Valley chick Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance fame) which is well into post production, director Darren Aronofsky (maker of such films as "Pi" and "Requiem For A Dream") has been confirmed to direct the film version of Moore's "Watchmen" series.
And also this, which is mostly interesting for the fantasy casting in the poster. Let me just say that John Cusak as Nite Owl is brilliant.
Nice photoshop work on that poster. I assume Edward Norton is posited as Rorschach? Heh.
Sounds like they're casting on the young side though. Dan Ackroyd was my primo choice for Night Owl back in the day (definitely too old now, but at the time it seemed perfect).
Absolutely...this pretend casting is young and pretty. I'm having trouble imagining John Cusack with a paunch. He could sell the fight scenes though.
And a world of no to Mel Gibson anywhere near this movie.
OK, since I know Victor is on this thread as much as any:
I need the info on getting to the Angel finale (if it's still a go). If you did e-mail me, it didn't arrive, in which case let me know here.
And now back to your regularly scheduled Bat talk.
Anyone want to discuss The Longbow Hunters?
It holds up really well, and I was shocked at how Seattle, Plei's Teens, the art looked. It really took me back in the "whoa, they did this WELL!" way.
(Though, of course, I now have to make my brain soothed with Young Justice.)
Anyone want to discuss The Longbow Hunters?
I love that one. Great book. Nice to know it's got an authentic Seattle.
I love that one. Great book. Nice to know it's got an authentic Seattle.
Sean, do you happen to know which issues follow that up and if they're in trades so that some of us with a strong desire to read them can find them?
I seem to recall reading that a lot of the early post-LB stuff was really good, and then the title went craptacular. I'd like to avoid the craptacular.
Oh hell. It's been a while, and when I was reading those issues, that was someone else's collection. It was very good stuff, but I don't know if there are any TPBs out there. I want to say there are, but I would likely be talking out of my ass.