what's the dealio with there being more than one Green Lantern? And why, then, are the other Green Lanterns big freaky-looking dudes?
Green Lanterns are basically interstellar police officers. There used to be 3600 of them, but most were wiped out by Hal Jordan when he went buggy.
But basically, each one has a different space sector, so the freaky looking dudes are aliens.
Who's Hal Jordan?
The Silver Age Green Lantern--D.C. had a different one, back in the 40s, but his story was unrelated--and pretty much the definitive character. He went nuts when his city was destroyed, and tried to use his power to bring them all back to life. When he was prevented from doing this by the Guardians (Big Honchos of the Green Lantern) He killed them all and stole all of their and the other Green Lanterns' powers, and became a super-villain Hell bent on restructuring time. Got pretty nasty, but eventually he died reigniting the sun.
In the meantime, the last ring was given to a kid named Kyle Rainer, who eventually was able to begin to recreate the Corps. John Stewart had been a member earlier, and currently is again. Hal Jordan is still dead, but is now the current incarnation of the Spectre as punishment for his sins.
I just read Nightwing #47-50, part of the trade. Holy continuity, Batman! This is where Dick joins the force, and, if I'm not mistaken, he inadvertently causes the accident on 61 in which Blockbuster's mom is killed. Unless, of course, Nightwing has a habit of causing crashes on 61, which, judging by the first couple pages of the next bit, I wouldn't be surprised to hear. So what's with this 80-Page Giant thing? It's the Hella storyline, I think. How does it figure in, continuity-wise?
I had a Nightwing dream last night. Weird.
I had a dream Saturday night that was an odd cross-over of BTVS and Teen Titans. It was strange.
No, that's the accident in question. They apparently decided later that it was how Blockbuster's mother died, because that doesn't get mentioned for a few more issues.
Isn't the Giant the one where he gets married? If so, it's kind of a cul-de-sac in canon -- it gets mentioned other times (at least once by Babs, giving him grief for it), but the characters don't show back up that I know of.
That would be pretty fun. You know, there is going to be that Buffy cartoon. . .
It was live-action, though, more or less. Robin (ver. 3.0 [Tim Drake]) had the hots for Willow.
I guess Robins (of all eras) like those redheads.