I believe it's established at some point that smoking, at least, has been pretty much taken care of as a health risk. Cars, I'm not sure. I'm hampered by not having read the earlier TPB's in a while.
Nazism is, I figure, Ellis's personal views showing through. The way I remember making sense of a lot of Spider's little idiosyncracies is to figure him for an individualist almost to the point of anarchy. The rules for what people do unto people are much more lax than what the State can do unto people. Plus, he's a druggie, and a certain amount of inconsistency is to be expected, I think.
I saw Michael Stipe on the Craig Kilborn show last night -- is it sad that when he (Michael) said that he was ear-wormed with a song called "The Outsiders" that REM is recording, I just assumed it was about, you know The Outsiders.
(I guess we'll find out this Fall.)
Because I can't find it in the thread -- what was the Mac OSX reader someone pointed to that wasn't Comical?
Dunno, but that'll do. Thanks!
If it works, let me know. Because, of course, being able to read comics is the real make-or-break in whether I choose a mac or a PC for my shinynewworklaptop.
I am all Batversed-up for the weekend. NML #4 came in at the library (I finished 1-3 yesterday, and I already have #5 at home), along with The Long Halloween. And I have much Nightwing to read to get me to #93. Awww yeah.
Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher [...] Which is not to say I won't kill anybody. I mean, it's me. If I didn't kill people, well, gosh, I would feel all ooky inside.
Joss on his Marvel gig, in Entertainment Weekly.
Oh dear.
When does his first X-Men come out?