was it Jomic?
'Dirty Girls'
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Dunno, but that'll do. Thanks!
If it works, let me know. Because, of course, being able to read comics is the real make-or-break in whether I choose a mac or a PC for my shinynewworklaptop.
I am all Batversed-up for the weekend. NML #4 came in at the library (I finished 1-3 yesterday, and I already have #5 at home), along with The Long Halloween. And I have much Nightwing to read to get me to #93. Awww yeah.
Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher [...] Which is not to say I won't kill anybody. I mean, it's me. If I didn't kill people, well, gosh, I would feel all ooky inside.
Joss on his Marvel gig, in Entertainment Weekly.
Oh dear.
When does his first X-Men come out?
I just finished reading Batgirl: Year One -- so much fun. Are their other 'Year One' type things that are good? (I've got Batman: Year One and Robin: Year One.)
Oh, and that cover is great!
Hmmm, RotK on dvd on one day and Joss' X-Men the next.
I just finished reading Batgirl: Year One -- so much fun. Are their other 'Year One' type things that are good? (I've got Batman: Year One and Robin: Year One.)
Well, Batman: Year One has been credited with changing the course of DC (sorta), and Robin: Year One has the same creative team as Batgirl: Year One.
Of them, I think Batgirl: Year One is the one I like best, but that's my acute Babs adoration talking. All three of 'em kick some major ass.