Amych: I'll have to doublecheck, because my memory has it happening more than once, and thus worth looking at, which could be the four hours of sleep making me see things.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
We haven't seen him out of costume since the graveyard, have we?
Pretty sure not. And it's definitely more than all his stuff getting blown to smithereens. I may have to go back and revise my previous whitefont -- he's definitely got as sharp a split between costume and noncostume life as Bruce does, right about now .
I'd almost go so far as to say even more of one. Bruce usually at least *has* a non-costumed life, and right now it feels like Dick buried himself with the residents of 1013 Parkthorne.
Good point. Poor woobie !
No, I don't think we have. It's as though he thought he only knows how to be Nightwing and after this -- will he know what that means either?
Uh, for a slightly less melodramatic reading? He knows Blockbuster is after him wherever he goes, whatever he does. Wouldn't you want to be in your Kevlarware at all times under the circs?
Gotta take notes. Lots of 'em.
You or me? Heh. Because I'll gladly hand meta off to other people...
Mish -- nah, the stuff does. not. breathe.
And, also, it's worth noting that half the freaking Batfamily have blood on their hands of some sort or another. It's a shift, but not something the character can't be brought back from. In fact, it's fairly obvious to me how they will bring him back, based on Blockbuster's big last speech. I'm just looking forward to seeing it done.
I also think that not very much time passed -- from one thing to the next. When would he have had time to shop and you know what Michele said (about the kevlar and being hunted.)