Sigh. DC canon has been rewritten more than Russian history.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Now my head hurts.
Mon El (aka M'onel aka Valor aka whatever other name they want to use to erase his past history)
God, it's enough to make you hate the letter "L."
So who is Mon El these days?
Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Larry Linvil
So who is Mon El these days?
Hell, is he still around? Did he survive "Zero Hour"?
He's now M'Onel, still fighting justice in the 31st century. Forgot to mention, his real name is still Lar Gand.
Lori Lemeris!
He's now M'Onel
Is there a character named L'Oreal? Who fights crime through her impeccably applied cosmetics?
And her beautifully colored hair?
She *always* defeats the bad guys, because....she's worth it.
she's worth it.
So, is that considered a superpower?
Is there a character named L'Oreal?
No, but there used to be one called Lor Eal. It's a whole big thing.