Oh, I thought she went back to being one of the bad guys again. I do remember that she originally went to the mansion because she thought it was the only place she could learn to live with what her powers were doing to her.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
So where do you guys put Huntress on the scale? I'm quite curious.
She never learnt to control her powers at all, despite it being her reason for hanging at the mansion.
Failure as a student, you mean?
Martian Manhunter is the last of his race, yes.
Hawkman and Hawkwoman are...ex-patriots? Who knows anymore?
Starfire is, I guess, a Tamaranian princess escaping slavery. Or was before she left.
Hm. What other alien superheroes are there? I'm sure Marvel has tons (Captain Mar-vell, for instance), but I'm not a big Marvel guy.
Failure as a student, you mean?
Yes, which weakens the premise that it's a school (or an effective one) -- what with the not teaching and stuff, except for the kidlets.
Koriand'r kept going home, but then there was the insane sister. Not sure if she's just fleeing a failed relationship at this point.
So where do you guys put Huntress on the scale? I'm quite curious.
Vigilante. Like Punisher.
Yes, which weakens the premise that it's a school (or an effective one) -- what with the not teaching and stuff, except for the kidlets.
Because one student never learned to control her powers?
I think one has to look at how the individual characters are portrayed these days, as oppsoed to, say, in the Sixties or Forties, because the attitude has shifted a lot. The X-Men, particularly, have been re-interpreted.
Vigilante. Like Punisher.
Except hotter.
And slightly more interesting.
We need subclassifications for Vigilantes.
Dude, Plei? The 'Seriously. Fangs.' tag is cracking. me. UP.
I have the Dicklove.
Shrift, have you seen my new default LJ icon?
Seriously. Fangs. is perhaps the most amusing thing in the world to me right now.
Because one student never learned to control her powers?
No, because the only student they focussed on teaching never learned anything.
Sure, they train all the time, but so do soldiers. Even at the gitgo (second incarnation), weren't they out saving people right away?