OK, meta-comic question. What are the key points of the superhero form? I'm thinking:
- Superpowers
- Weakness
- Origin Story
- Secret Identity
- Kickass Villain
- Love Interest
What else? Does the love interest have to bounce off the secret identity (a la Tim Drake)? Should the origin story be revealed after the superhero's introduced or before?
How are you defining superpowers?
Tights -- I think tights are probably important, or at least a silly mask and one of your superpowers is keeping the mask on your face with no visible means of support (see Robin and Nightwing).
Also, Cataclysm arrived here and since I came home during a tornado warning -- well, it just all seems so right.
Tights are more popular than superpowers.
Well, superpowers don't look nearly so good stretched over those lovely superhero quads.
no visible means of support
Spirit gum. Clearly. That stuff is awesome.
How are you defining superpowers?
As what makes the hero a superhero. Be it being a brick, or shooting energy bolts, or being really fast, or squirting sticky goo out of your wrists, or being bugfuck insane.
Mmm, yeah, tights. Good point.
(plei just made my day lalalalalala)
As what makes the hero a superhero. Be it being a brick, or shooting energy bolts, or being really fast, or squirting sticky goo out of your wrists, or being bugfuck insane.
But being bugfuck insane (why yes, I
assuming Batman here. Don't I always?) is very specifically posited as not a superpower -- powers aren't just what makes a hero a hero, they're something supernatural or extranatural. The whole premise of the batverse is that it's the mission, not the being-from-some-weird-planet, that makes the hero.
Actually, I think the mission belongs on your list.