Tights are more popular than superpowers.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Well, superpowers don't look nearly so good stretched over those lovely superhero quads.
no visible means of support
Spirit gum. Clearly. That stuff is awesome.
Well, superpowers don't look nearly so good stretched over those lovely superhero quads.
Two words for you:
How are you defining superpowers?
As what makes the hero a superhero. Be it being a brick, or shooting energy bolts, or being really fast, or squirting sticky goo out of your wrists, or being bugfuck insane.
Mmm, yeah, tights. Good point.
(plei just made my day lalalalalala)
As what makes the hero a superhero. Be it being a brick, or shooting energy bolts, or being really fast, or squirting sticky goo out of your wrists, or being bugfuck insane.
But being bugfuck insane (why yes, I am assuming Batman here. Don't I always?) is very specifically posited as not a superpower -- powers aren't just what makes a hero a hero, they're something supernatural or extranatural. The whole premise of the batverse is that it's the mission, not the being-from-some-weird-planet, that makes the hero.
Actually, I think the mission belongs on your list.
I was wondering how to express what I think you're saying with "the mission." Batman's I get (and I was kind of joking about insanity as a superpower, but that's a whole 'nother thesis), and Wonder Woman's is canon. But what's the mission of, say, The Flash? Does every superhero have a mission? Can they have a default setting of "stop bad guys?"
Save the world?
Save the world?
A lot.
I don't think every superhero has a mission. Or not always at the beginning of their run.
Is Constantine a superhero? Timothy Hunter? Morpheus?
Essentially, I think they have to be able to do something I can't. That something may be Earth-abnormal (Supes, Hawkwoman), mystical (Dr. Strange), scientific (Spiderman, Cyborg), or bugfuck insane with large pockets. Or really bright.
If they can't do something above and beyond, then we're in a different genre. But superpowers leave out the Batmen, Robins and Punishers of this world.