He was created, as I recall, during the Death of Superman arc. He only recently found out that the human half of his DNA comes from Luthor, and hasn't, as far as I've read, told Clark.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
(You know, there are articles on user behavior I could be memorizing instead of frickin' Superman canon! I worry myself.)
there are articles on user behavior I could be memorizing
Sure, but leaving aside the whole "making a living" thing, why on earth would you want to do that?
I love when this thread is busy.
I'm going to attempt to hook Jilli. Pete should live in fear.
Sure, but leaving aside the whole "making a living" thing, why on earth would you want to do that?
The Outsiders used to be a group of misfits run by Batman, which ran concurrently with The New Teen Titans.
Art by Alan Davis (who did the original Marvelman/Miracleman) - you can see it on the site upthread that I linked with Paul Smith's art.
Aside from Metamorpho, are any of the original Outsiders still around?
Aside from Metamorpho, are any of the original Outsiders still around?
Black Lightning as appeared frequently, most recently in Outsiders and Green Arrow. Katanna appeared recently in "Batman/Superman" (No slash jokes, please. Too easy.)
How is Katana doing? How's her sword?
They did wrap up Halo's story, right? I don't remember how that shook out.
Yes, that's right, Superboy Has Two Daddies.
Y'know, I've read that in this thread. Several times in fact. I must've suppressed the memory.
User experience research is interesting, goddammit! I have spent good hours on the "why do people click on 'home' on the home page" question!
Also, Harvey Birdman did a great, great riff on how Black Lightning* originally just wanted to be called Vulcan, but he ended up being tokenized by The Man. Eventually he became part of a new superhero group called the Multicultural Pals, including The Faygeleh and The Reverend Jesse Jackson, among others. God, I love Birdman.
- I think they used a slightly different name -- whatever the character was known as on "The Superfriends"