I'm really enjoying Scott Tipton's "Comics 101" articles.
I really need to check these out. Where was that link again?
I no longer consider Plastic Man a complete joke of a superhero.
Awww, man. The original old Plastic Man was about the coolest superhero ever.
I have to say, I've always though there was something wonderful and quirky about Plastic Man.
First, Dennis O'Neill, then Claremont and Byrne have really stunk up the place with their runs in JLA
Denny O'Neill had a crappy JLA run? How disappointing. I loved his work on The Question.
I have to say, I've always though there was something wonderful and quirky about Plastic Man.
Except he's an obnoxious boob! (Never gotten the PM love.)
I loved his work on The Question.
SEAN! Oh hells yes. That was during my last real intense period of comics buying, and I've got issue 1 through 20 or 30 or so buried in my closet somewhere. I always thought it was a terribly underrated book. The friend who got me hooked on Hellblazer got me hooked on The Question.
Over a couple years, Grant Morrison, followed ably by Mark Waid and with fill-ins by the likes of Mark Millar, had made the JLA everything it was supposed to be--competent, intense and high-powered. Joe Kelly wrought some good stuff, and some muddled storylines, but ultimately didn't detract from them, and added a bit that was good.
Denny O'Neill had them befuddled by a shape-changing alien ape.
Eh, the whole being dead storyline, crossover event, with Atlantis disappearing back into the past thing, that is what killed my JLA love.
Over a couple years, Grant Morrison, followed ably by Mark Waid and with fill-ins by the likes of Mark Millar, had made the JLA everything it was supposed to be--competent, intense and high-powered.
Any good paperbacks from that era? I read a lot of JLA from back when there were multiple Earths (via my brothers stash). I'm curious what good JLA would be like now.
edited to clarify because I'm not THAT old yet.
I think the entire Morrison run was tpbed...
Eh, the whole being dead storyline, crossover event, with Atlantis disappearing back into the past thing, that is what killed my JLA love.
See, I could have forgiven that. The Nightwing, et al., side of it was fun,and ultimately, it was a convoluted story, but at least it had the scope and scale of, well, the JLA.
And did I mention that the alien shape-changing ape was name Pepe?
I think the entire Morrison run was tpbed...
Oh yeah. This stuff kicked.