Strikeforce Morituri ruled! Everyone died! And that was the whole point...
Read classic and updated SS. It worked basically because anyone could and would die. Including boomerbutt, aka Boomerang
Whiny Firestorm? Whichj expalins why DC is relaunching him, again...
Varying intervals?
What a horrible ruler.
Ha! Even while you were posting, I was editing to make you look mad. MOO HOO HA HA! Now, stand helplessly by while I launch your house into space!
I borrowed a mess of new universe stuff a year or so back, and dug SF:M in a big way.
Suicide Squad was a bit of guilty pleasure. Sudden and unpredictable death was really the only card it had to play (I'm talking about the more recent one, mind you. Only ever read one ish of the older version).
Everyone should read Art Spiegelman's book on Plasticman and his creator, whose name I'm blanking on at the moment.
Everyone should read Art Spiegelman's book on Plasticman and his creator, whose name I'm blanking on at the moment.
Great book (expanded from a New Yorker piece) and I'm completely blanking on the creator too. The main source of my comment about what a long/strange trip Plas had to DC.
Whiny Firestorm? Whichj expalins why DC is relaunching him, again...
Heh. Except, it's not Ronnie anymore. It's a black teenager from Detroit.
Ronnie right now is at the top of the "deadpool"list for the upcoming "Identity Crisis" miniseries.
Okay, just gotta say...
I'm really enjoying Scott Tipton's "Comics 101" articles.
That is all.
I no longer consider Plastic Man a complete joke of a superhero.
Awww, man. The original old Plastic Man was about the coolest superhero ever. (Even Alan Moore subscribes to this theory.) Jack Cole was genius.
Jack Cole was genius
THANK YOU, Hec! The memfault was driving me nuts, and I couldn't get around to googling.
Now I'm earwormed for CCR, except now it's 'Keep on Googling'.
What? You're going to make them suck?
Nah. JLA's doing that all on its own.
Preach it, brother. First, Dennis O'Neill, then Claremont and Byrne have really stunk up the place with their runs in JLA. Next up, Chuck Austen - sheesh. When they announced that they would go with rotating creative teams to tell "one great JLA story", I was expecting much more than this.
Ronnie right now is at the top of the "deadpool"list for the upcoming "Identity Crisis" miniseries.
What are some other good candidates? From the little bit I've seen of the previews for
Identity Crisis,
it appears that Green Arrow is strongly affected by whoever is in the coffin, and I'm unaware of any close ties between GA and Firestorm.