Just read 1602 #7. I enjoyed it immensely. And I agree, CaBil. I read your post and went "Duh" when the reveal in the comic sort of made me go "Huh?".
Haven't gotten ToV #3. My local comic store was out by the time I got there Wednesday. But the owner is ordering me a copy, as well as a copy of #1 since I wasn't able to get a hold of it when it first came out.
Also with the lack of Drac love here. I don't think Mutant Enemy writers have ever done well by the Dark Prince-bator, and Drew's Xander was just cringe-worthy. But Jane just proved again (as she did in "Earshot") that she's as capable with the poignant as with the funny.
You should probably white-font the second half of your second sentence, Matt (until tomorrow, anyway).
In the spirit of the just-ended Willow death match, I came across this. Personally, I think it's an ugly sculpt; I wish it looked more like AH.
I wonder if the cups are tear away?
Hmm, looks more like Christine Baranski smelling something bad than Vampire!Willow.
It's official.
"X" MARKS THE SPOT - Whedon, Cassaday launch new X-Men title.
Joss will write 12 issues of the new
Astounishing X-Men
title, beginning in May. John Cassady will be doing the art. It's all part of Marvel's X-Men "Reload" event in May.
Both Astonishing and Astounding at the same time. Perfectly cromulent word.
I think it's the Canadians, personally. You know how they sneak an extra U into every word possible.