You should probably white-font the second half of your second sentence, Matt (until tomorrow, anyway).
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
In the spirit of the just-ended Willow death match, I came across this. Personally, I think it's an ugly sculpt; I wish it looked more like AH.
I wonder if the cups are tear away?
Hmm, looks more like Christine Baranski smelling something bad than Vampire!Willow.
It's official.
"X" MARKS THE SPOT - Whedon, Cassaday launch new X-Men title.
Joss will write 12 issues of the new Astounishing X-Men title, beginning in May. John Cassady will be doing the art. It's all part of Marvel's X-Men "Reload" event in May.
Both Astonishing and Astounding at the same time. Perfectly cromulent word.
I think it's the Canadians, personally. You know how they sneak an extra U into every word possible.
I think it's the Canadians, personally. You know how they sneak an extra U into every word possible.
They are sneaky with the U's. Whereas Brooklynites are sneaky with the "Youse." And New Zealanders are sneaky with the Ewes.
Both Astonishing and Astounding at the same time. Perfectly cromulent word.
Ooops! I even had to edit it once to correctly spell "title". Not my best day. The problem was, I kept wanting to call it Astounding X-Men, like the science fiction magazine Astounding, and that has stuck in my brain. I know I'll mess up again later.