Thanks all. I definitely went for the comic book Tales compendium, which I heard has an additional Fray story, so all is good.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Is he behind the new "Monolith" series that's coming out?
Is he behind the new "Monolith" series that's coming out?
I'm fiddling with a sidebar for the book on indie-comics and music crossovers. So far I've got:
Victor Banana's sdtrk for Like Velvet Glove Cast In Iron
Dame D'arcy singles
Aimee Mann's "Ghost World" song.
I seem to remember Alan Moore doing something for V for Vendetta. "This Vicious Cabaret"? Something like that.
Anything else come to mind? I'm trying to stick to indie comics here since there are a berjillion Superman songs.
I don't believe so. It is a DC mainstream title that has as its major influence the Jewish golem stories, rather than elementals...
There are several indie comix types in Boston who are also musicians. Ron Rege, P Shaw, and Jef Czekaj immediately come to mind. I'm sure there are others.
the tpb of "V for Vendetta" has the sheet music for The Viscious Cabaret. Don't know if it's ever been performed.
I just thought I'd mention that 1602 #7 and Tales of the Vam.pires #3 is supposed to be in the stores this week. Tales includes a Dracula story written by Ultimate Drew, a Jane Espenson story, and Joss' framing story of the kid watchers meeting their first vampire. I have the theory that (speculation)
the outspoken girl watcher will end up being Giles' grandmother.
You are all bastards. Getting me hooked on comics again, after 15+ years clean.
You are all bastards. Getting me hooked on comics again, after 15+ years clean.
I could say this too, but instead I'll just quote Gandalfe, and it was nearly 20 years for me. But it's just Fray, and 1602, and Sandman, and ... oh crap.