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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I missed Peter. Just didn't seem like 1602 without.
There were a few asspulls in this one, I thought. Why the previous shake-the-place-down attempts had never released Invisible Grrl; how Matt and the old dude just got out when they wanted to (same seisomological issue, or actually an architectural issue - pretty poor castle construction), etc.
I could've done without the insta-Thor stick, but I liked how the old man was really the treasure.
Actually, the mystery character that showed up in this issue? The way he showed up was the exact same way that the character appeared in the early issues of the character's own series. Admittedly, that origin had been left behind back in the mid80s, possibly even sooner but since Neil said he was using 60s characters, using that character's original origin makes sense.
Actually, the mystery character that showed up in this issue? The way he showed up was the exact same way that the character appeared in the early issues of the character's own series. Admittedly, that origin had been left behind back in the mid80s, possibly even sooner but since Neil said he was using 60s characters, using that character's original origin makes sense.
Very true. I didn't have a problem with that at all. What I did have a problem with was
the Templars having the stick in the first place.
DX, I'm hoping that the problematic issue will somehow be explained in the next two issues.
Personally, I wasn't too bugged by it, since the
are the Area 51 of European History. Got a conspiracy? Suspect a major secret? Looking for hidden technology, weapons, or gadgets? Blame it on them.
Okay, Duck Dodgers as a Green Lantern? Way better than I expected.
Anne said:
since the Templars are the Area 51 of European History.
And I love her for it. So. Damned. True. I'd really love to find a book about the
but it's really hard to find something that isn't full of woo-woo and Masons and suchlike. The reality is quite weird enough.
Raquel, I think it was cumulative --
The Thing said that this time, he'd found a fault line in the construction.
Read Ultimate X-Men 41 today. I may have a hate on for many of the timelines, and this is a rewrite (I can't work out which comic is the extension of the normal universe), but DAMN. I really liked it. I even liked the one before quite a bit, for all they're redoing origins.
Storm's very different, but not unworkably, not at all. Reasonable if you switch up a bit of her history. Unlike the Storm in the comic with Masque, who in combination with being crappily drawn, is psychologically unreachable a destination for Ororo Monroe. Well, in any interesting fashion, anyway.
Logan? Still the same Logan in Ultimate, and god, he was just right in #41. Stories are very short, but tight.
Oh! You're right, ita. Duh.
Have I said before how much I like the non-traditional art in 1602? Coz I do.
That thing we're white-fonting that I'm not sure why we're white-fonting? Is hard to find a real book about. I recommend Born in Blood. Although it's got a lurid title and cover, it's not bad and not Weekly World News-ish.
Okay, Duck Dodgers as a Green Lantern? Way better than I expected.
The WB animation people at one time were going to do a Green Lantern show, but that fell through, so since they had the characters all drawn up already, they decided to do Duck Dodgers as Green Lantern. Great fu.
They also had a lot of the same Green Lantern corps characters (esp. Kilowog and Katma Tuie) show up in a two-part
Justice League
episode that had Keith David voice Despero.
Read Ultimate X-Men 41 today. I may have a hate on for many of the timelines, and this is a rewrite (I can't work out which comic is the extension of the normal universe), but DAMN. I really liked it. I even liked the one before quite a bit, for all they're redoing origins.
The Ultimate universe is its own continuity that is "inspired by" and reflects the regular Marvel Universe characters, but isn't tied to the original continuity. Of course, now with 50+
Ultimate Spider Man
issues, 40+
Ultimate X-Men
and other mini-series, the Ultimate universe is building up its own continuity.
The Ultimate universe is its own continuity that is "inspired by" and reflects the regular Marvel Universe characters, but isn't tied to the original continuity.
I have never found Angel attractive until #40. Go team them.
I need to track a site down that explains each branch and its relation to normal canon. I fear that the extension of normal Xverse is one of the comics I hate.
But The New Mutants is also pretty good. I've had to buy some of all of them, until I had enough data to work out what I was buying out of habit, and which one I really wanted the next of right away.
I love Kilowog. He shaped my cursing for a while.