Did that give us the current Despair, or did the twin die/disappear?
No. The first Despair was killed. All we know about that is that, according to Dream, the person responsible for it is suffering eternal torment--or words to that effect--and that he had better reason for his actions than Lyta Hall had for hers.
The first Despair was killed.
But which one was the twin?
So it's not like Morpheus/Daniel?
Ita, I think you're getting a bit confused.
First off, when a second iteration of the Endless appears, they are no longer really what they were. "Daniel" is no longer Lyta Hall's son. He has ALWAYS been Dream. But he's notMorpheus. Morpheus is a facet of Dream that no longer exists.
Desire and Despair, the twins, seperated more or less as soon as the first living thing in the universe despaired and desired, which it evidently did at the same time, which makes sense to me.
The first Despair was killed just a few hundred years ago. But the currrent Despair is everything the previous Despair ever was, just a different facet of her.
Did that help?
Well, my question was "Did the Desire/Despair split provide the first and/or the second Despair?"
I knew the rest of the stuff in your post, but I still don't think I know the answer to my question.
I knew the rest of the stuff in your post, but I still don't think I know the answer to my question.
Ah. The split provided the first Despair. The First Despair was only killed a few centuries ago.
I liked the Spike'n Dru in Prague story in "Tales of the Vampires" -- do we know when the next book comes out?