Even Fox, which thought Eric Roberts would make a suitable heir for Anthony Ainley, knew better than to cast a non-Brit as the Doctor. I think Marsters' chances are slim to none, and slim just left the building.
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Well, they've got Judi Densch as a female M, why not give here a go as a female Dr. while they are at it. Although Maggie Smith is tempting as well, and she's got Harry Potter cache.
Or are these names a touch too rarified for the low budget spectacle that is Dr. Who?
I think the time committment for an hour long drama would be the biggest thing. Dench didn't turn her nose up at that romantic sitcom with her husband, so I doubt the prestige of the project would be an issue.
Hmm, if not Maggie Smith, my second choice would be Robson Green. I'd like to see what he looks like in fuddy-duddy dress clothes.
I think the likelihood of female Dr. Who is very unlikely.
The source of most of the rumors that a female Dr. Who is possible seems to come from a press conference that Tom Baker held when left the role, where he wished well whomever it was well, whomever he or SHE may be.
That slip of the tongue has fueled the rumor of female Dr. Who ever since.
It seems to me that British actors will do most any role. I would love to see Dench in the role. She could really take off.
Jack Davenport could probably do a fairly good Peter Davison-ish Doctor.
How cool would it be to go for someone really out there. Derek Jacobi as Dr. Who? He's done plenty of BBC work over the years.
Dude. Richard Coyle is the one true Doctor.
Or Richard E. Grant?
Dr. Who should be someone who inspires affection and trust, not someone who inspires one to fire bullets into the TV screen in the hope that at least some will be conducted to the actor himself.