And again, thanks!
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
So, so worth it, let me just say. I'd have paid it for the Dream or Delirium stories alone.
I finally went out and bought Buffy #61 because I needed a Buffy fix, no matter how small, today. Wow. Soooo much better than most of the regular Buffy comics. Really. Like Jeff said a while back, it's good to see them ending on an high note. But one tiny thing in particular was just cool in its continuity-ness. I'll whitefont just in case: in a scene where Giles is moving into the Library (Buffy hasn't gotten to Sunnydale yet) he is emptying boxes and the Time Life calendar that is mentioned in WTTH is up on his wall. (you know, "did you get the clock or the calendar?" "the calendar" "cool...wait").
Not to mention seeing: Whistler, Angel, Wolfram & Hart, Lilah and Jesse all in one comic. It's weird, though, because in all these pre-season 1 stories they have treated Dawn as though she is real. But in one scene in this one, Buffy makes a comment that makes it seem she knows she doesn't have a sister.
I'm pretty excited to see how it will end.
tina, the scene about Buffy comes at a time when the Guilt demon is working on Dawn, where she feels she was the cause of all the problems and everything would have been better if she wasn't there. She started "fading" for a period, so that was picked up with Buffy's dialogue.
Nice catch about Giles. I'll have to go back and check the book to see it.
Ahhh. OK. Because I was going to say - I *like* that they are re-telling the story with Dawn as completely non-key real girl, and I don't really want them to mess with that. And having Buffy realize Dawn might not be real makes me fear that somehow Glory will pop up - and even in comic form - I don't really want to see her.
My one complaint, even though it is also a shout out to WTTH is ENOUGH with the person you suspect of being the victim really being the vampire or the one you think is the slayer is really the vampire etc....things aren't what they seem. we get it already.
Just a reminder to all that 1602 #3 will be in the comic shops today.
In Buffy-related comic news, the sale date for the first issue of Tales of the Vampires has now been set. It will go on sale December 10. The first two issues of the 5-issue series is reported to be written by Joss himself.
Excellent. Both items of news.
Wasn't the Drawing on Your Nightmares collection w/the first story from Tales of the Vampire supposed to be out the first week of Oct? Went to the comic book store last night and they had no idea what I was talking about.
I'm looking forward to the next 1602 very muchly indeed. It'll be interesting to see what--if anything--is resolved in regards to Ms. Dare.