On the message center page, just up above the maroonish bar that reads "Message Center", one of our graphics went missing for a moment, and was replaced by an X in a box. It's back, and now I can see it's the words "Message Center" in the fancy font, that is to say this: buffistas.org/images/shd_messagecenter.gif
(http and www removed so the board wouldn't to the linky thing like this: [link]
Completely off topic...
JON! Best wishes to you and FAQwife! This may require a whole new set of FAQ.
I'm in Natter right now Cindy, but thanks!
I'm 200+ posts behind in Natter, right now, and wanted to be timely. I'm very happy for you both, Jon. Cheers.
What would happen if, as list moderator, I just ignored all of the spam that comes in to the Laista list and all of the emails I get telling me I have spam, instead of signing into the management page every single day to delete them?
I just ran into a period of about 10 minutes when every attempt to post or load a new page resulted in an "Operation timed out" message. Is the board undergoing unusually high traffic this weekend?
last posts in natter - no line between them.
Random question -- I get spams addressed to admin@b.org on a pretty regular basis, and just got one to filk@b.org. Is donations bcc'ed or what?
Jesse, I get the same thing, but in reverse, i.e., spam addressed to donations@b.org in the filk@b.org mailbox.