So that means I'd better get my butt moving and download Great Write if I want a copy.
Now that Search is different, what is the most efficient way of downloading a thread?
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
So that means I'd better get my butt moving and download Great Write if I want a copy.
Now that Search is different, what is the most efficient way of downloading a thread?
So that means I'd better get my butt moving and download Great Write if I want a copy.
Nope -- it has no bearing on the availability. I'm not deleting or locking anything -- just moving it into a subfolder.
As for downloading threads -- threadsuck hasn't been altered, or you can wait until DX does his magic tidying and download the archived ZIP file.
you can wait until DX does his magic tidying and download the archived ZIP file.
How ... prosaic. No cool cyberNinja moves or super-secret passwords or anything. Oh, well.
I can put passwords on the zip files to make them more difficult to get into. Would that suit your requirements?
No, no, don't put yourself out, but you're kind to offer.
Jon -- will there need to be any changes to the current style sheet to prep it for being overriden by user-selected fonts and font sizes? Changing it from point sizes, or making everything relative to some single starting point?
Are we allowing the changing of font size or just the face? I thought it was the latter. In any case, last time the idea of switching to relative font sizes came up, I did some research and determined that the current stylesheet methodology of explicit point sizes was best in terms of browser compatibility. I suppose I should just try out my sample pages with various different fonts in the stylesheet and see how they look.
Are we allowing the changing of font size or just the face?
The current request is for both.
I don't really know much about this stuff, but can't people change the size with their browser? Or is that only some browsers?
If you change the size with your browser, you have to change it back when you go to another site.
I'm suddenly having odd problems where if I just go to the main page (, it's fine and fast, but if I'm in a thread, and try to click on the "message center" link at the bottom of a page, it tells me it can't load it. Is this the board hating me? The wireless connection being freaky? Or evil, lurking?