LJ, by font/font size do you mean font and font size or font or font size?
I meant both, but I don't know programming. It wasn't meant as an expansion on the current request, though.
For font size -- manual entry of font size? Directives such as "smaller," "much smaller"?
I think "very small", "small," average," etc., is probably easiest. In my possibly non-representative experience, the numeric point size needed for comfortable reading can vary from font to font and program to program, and percentages can be frustrating.
I love Jesse's suggestion.
How are these for 4 font choices:
- Times, Times New Roman, serif
- Arial, Helvetic, sans-serif
- Courier, Courier New, monospaced
- user entered (caveat entor)
And for sizes -- one point difference between S/M/L/XL? Or two?
Two point differences.
Medium as the current size?
That's what I was thinking, DX.
How are these for 4 font choices:
Verdana should still be a choice.
Verdana should still be a choice.
Sorry -- "no change" is implicit.
In my head. I wasn't thinking loudly enough for my fingers to hear.
You know, I'm sorry but if I can't get the board with XXL purple Comic Sans text on a pink background, I'm going to have to quit buffistas.
You people never meet my needs!!!
Um, but in all seriousness -- will people trying out the options be a strain on our resources at all? I can imagine I'm not the only one who will be interested to see what each choice looks like, at the beginning.