ita, it always used to work for me. Then I started having trouble if I wanted to suck too much of the thread. I don't know if I ever reported that, but I think DX had the same issue, and reported it.
Then I started having trouble, and Tom did something that fixed it. Then I started having trouble again.
Today I could thread suck a little from Natter ~600 posts. When I tried ~1600, it wouldn't work. And I just sucked BBaBB from post number 9000 to the end, and it worked. I couldn't suck from 8000, though.
Just tried again, and can suck from 8500 in BBaBB.
Just to throw another data point in, I had no problem just now sucking the entireties of either Natter 31 or Bitches 19.
That Cindy, she doesn't suck.
FWIW, I just sucked all of Natter with no issue. Firefox/XP Pro
I did not know that "Steve have mercy" was a browser.
Is Strega a stompy? I've noticed I can't block ita, amych, -t-, DX or Strega, and I'm guessing it's a stompy thing. It was a kind of a whoa moment, since I noticed that I couldn't block Strega first. Not that I was going to, but it was a short post, and there was the "block" on the post before, and the "block" on the post after, but no block on Strega's post. Except now I see that -t's not in the stompy listing either.
Huh. I can block amych. (I just tried because it was the post above Deena's.) Am I not supposed to be able to? I haven't noticed any others because I actually kind of forgot about the whole blocking thing.
You tried to block me?
I'm so hurt.
Strega is not a stompy, nor is t-. The current stompies are ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., and amych.
I'm not sure why you can't -- she's not a stompy, and I have block next to her posts.