Can a stompy please reset my password to the midwest mailing list?
Note to self: having a PDA be the only place I save passwords is a bad idea, especially if I let the PDA's battery run down. Also, sync the PDA more than once every few months....
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Can a stompy please reset my password to the midwest mailing list?
Note to self: having a PDA be the only place I save passwords is a bad idea, especially if I let the PDA's battery run down. Also, sync the PDA more than once every few months....
The only one who can do it is Tom Scola... Maybe...
nebbermind. I found it in an email I got when I first created the list....
If you're looking for testers now, I'll volunteer.
I've updated the requests list (again), taking into account the priorities and ideas that have been put forward. Nothing's gone, it's just in a new order. The two requests ita and Dana agreed were unneeded has gone all the way to the very bottom; new requests are at the top.
New input welcome.
Questions on some of ita's questions:
Um, I'll volunteer to test stuff although I won't be back online until the 26th.
ita - you had this in your "Unneeded" list. I very much think it should stay on the list. It would solve a lot of issues.
I also like the idea of allowing a picture in the user profile.
you had this in your "Unneeded" list. I very much think it should stay on the list. It would solve a lot of issues.
I think having a set list of style sheets to choose from is a better way to go, honestly. Otherwise we're storing (potentially) a style sheet for every user. A set few -- no images, no white font, large, small -- that's manageable.
And then there's troubleshooting what other people have custom chosen for themselves. I feel a headache coming on.
I don't see the problem of storing a stylesheet for each user, but I see the troubleshooting headaches.
Rather than choosing among a set list of style sheets, maybe set up choices as a drop-down list for each element we want to allow control over?
Rather than choosing among a set list of style sheets, maybe set up choices as a drop-down list for each element we want to allow control over?
I was about to suggest this. They do it that way at LiveJournal, at least at their simplest level of customization.