Beej, this is how it's spelled in the script ("Serenity" - the pilot):
Simon: You're pretty young to be a ship's mechanic.
Kaylee: No how. Machines just got workings, and they talk to me.
'Same Time, Same Place'
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Beej, this is how it's spelled in the script ("Serenity" - the pilot):
Simon: You're pretty young to be a ship's mechanic.
Kaylee: No how. Machines just got workings, and they talk to me.
Oh, I get it. As in the old "Not no way, not no how," meaning in this case "I'm not too young." Jewel Staite didn't deliver the line with enough indignation to make this meaning come across to me either. Like Beej, I heard it as "[I do too] know how [to be a mechanic]."
In-ter-esting. Inflection is everything...or sometimes not.
Thanks for the correction on something I bet you've had to answer a hundred times. sorry
Has anyone else been having problems, the last couple of weeks, with the site just hanging? It doesn't time out, just hangs. I keep getting it, both at home and at work, so it's probably not my ISP.
More thread sucking problems.
I know people have had trouble sucking an entire thread. I decided to threadsuck the Bitches thread from the beginning to post 3000. I don't get an error message. A page comes up, with the thread title and blurb, but there are no posts. It's happened twice. I'm off to try a smaller number of posts, but wanted to let you know, in case this is a new and different issue.
Tom, are there any PHP or Apache settings that could be cache or buffer or timeout related that make this happen?
Cindy, does the web browser keep spinning when this happens, or does the page stop loading altogether?
Has anything shown up in the error log?
We might be able to adjust some timeout settings, but IMO the best way to fix this problem is to stream each post as soon as it gets pulled out of the database, rather than loading all the posts into an array, and then dumping the array.
My curiosity is that it used to work, and hoped there was some re-adjustment outside of code that could make it work again. If it's quick, I mean. I'm still one release behind, code-wise.
hoped there was some re-adjustment outside of code that could make it work again.
There might be, but we need to understand how it's dying first.
Does it work for you?