I believe that DX and John H. are correct. I've been testing a stylesheet with no font sizes in the P tag (and a couple of other related tags) and I think it will work with minimum side effects. I'll post something in Press and then upload the new stylesheet. If there are valid complaints by the late-night users, I can flip it back in the morning (i.e. in about 7 hours).
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Netscape 4.8 on PC-Windows ME. The small fonts looked small to me, guys. The normal stuff looked normal. This is, however, (way) after Jon's post in Press, so it may have no relevancy at all. If so, 'scusi.
I don't understand, Beverly. Do the small and normal fonts look different than before, or the same?
t edit Oh wait - you're talking about Rio's problem upthread? So you're saying it looks right to you now, but it didn't before?
WOW! All my fonts are huge now. It's kinda pleasant given my blindness. But whacky.
Netscape 4.78 Windows 95.
The small fonts are small on my screen, Jon, and always have been. Since you did whatever you said you were going to do (in your announcement in Press), nothing whatever seems to have changed on my screen.
I'm assuming this is a good thing, that I should be glad everything hasn't gone huge?
Stuff's pretty large for me, Opera 6.05, W2K, but not unworkably so.
Here's a different problem. Sometimes, from home, I can't read the Phoenix with Mozilla. I can read it fine with IE.
It doesn't always fail, but when it does, it seems to always hang forever with "Sending request to www.buffista.org..." in the status bar.
This never happens from work, only from home.
Not a big deal, just thought I'd mention it.
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021016
Explorer Version: 5.2.2 (5010.1)
Woo and Hoo, Jon! That's done the trick. It fixes that other glitch I mentioned, too.
One other reason that the font may seem bigger than usual is that the site's default font, Verdana, is designed for legibility, so the individual characters are a bit larger than the equivalent point size of Arial or Helvetica. You can adjust this by adjusting the font size settings in your browser preferences.
The side effect of reducing the default point size in the browser (if Verdana is not your browser default font) is that sites that don't use Verdana as a default are now displayed in teeny little letters.
Rob, I use Mozilla on a PC both at home and at work, and I haven't had any problems, except on those evenings when the hosting service has been down, like last Monday(?) night.
Yeah, I had to go and reduce the Normal font size in Opera. Not a big problem.