It removes the conversational aspect of the board because you're listening to only one side of the conversation. It turns the board into a Live Journal friends list.
Yeah. Let's not go there.
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
It removes the conversational aspect of the board because you're listening to only one side of the conversation. It turns the board into a Live Journal friends list.
Yeah. Let's not go there.
There's been no additional work done on the search function.
Oh -- is it worth explaining blinvisible, do you think? I mean, in terms of inches occupied by the explanation?
I thought Daniel was thinking of using the filter as a sort of jerry-rigged search function, but this I like even less.
I think he was, but for that we'd be better off reinstituting Search. IIRC, we turned off search because we were worried it was causing our problems when we first started having them, that it was chewing up bandwidth. In fact, Search probably wasn't the cause.
We could try reinstating it, maybe setting it up so you could only search one thread at a time.
is it worth explaining blinvisible, do you think?
I'm not sure it is -- it's clear from the context what it means, and that it's something that jokey-rhymes with "invisible". Beyond that, I think people will either ignore or ask rather than read the FAQ anyway.
We could try reinstating it, maybe setting it up so you could only search one thread at a time.
Search never made it out of beta, so it's a ways from being ready yet.
I sometimes don't see in advance the abuses one could use things for. I just thought it would be handy when people were rushed, "I didn't expect the spanish inquisition." Hee.
No really, just didn't think of the negative aspects. Completely missed my radar.
DCJ, I didn't mean to jump at you. I think it could be handy too, but to me, the dangers of abuse outweigh its beneficial aspects.
Sometimes, if a thing comes to easily, we don't value it. If you need to block the whole board, the investment of doing it one poster at a time will be reward in and of itself.
I assume the admin profile will be blinvisible proof, right?