Jon, I've got it in the LH column already on the test site, so there's no need. I just don't want to have the search page all out there until I've coded paging through the results. Too big a hit on the server as is.
Mal ,'Bushwhacked'
Buffistas Building a Better Board
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
I don't think we're going to need to spend any money for another year or so, anyway -- assuming we're not at risk for extra bandwidth charges? And we've got a bunch of money in the bank. All I'm saying is, there's no press to raise more money at the moment. Unless there's somthing I'm not thinking of.
Checking test site....
So you do!
What about this:
I'd suggest making search.php only disply the search form if the user is registered and logged in.
Already done, Jon. You'll note it's in the section that you only see if you're logged in.
I mean that the search.php page itself should have code in it so that it only displays the search form if you're logged in. If you're not logged in, search.php would just display a message like "You must be registered and logged in to use this page."
Ah. Yes. Well, the search page is being rewritten, as you can see if you use it, so nothing there is done.
I just found this post unposted on my hard drive. It's slightly old, but--
I believe this is a part of the official HTML spec - thetag is supposed to clear out any open tags that preceed it.
Really! Dude.
Nobody tells me anything!
Errr.... no. That's a part of the quickedit definition. How else would the quickedit end itself?
Sorry. When I was on TT, and for half of my stint on WX, I used Netscape, and when Netscape copies text from a page it leaves in hard returns and lots of funky spaces. IE strips them, 'cause it's cool that way. But if I wanted to quote someone else's post, I would copy and paste it into my posting box, and it would look like
I don't think we want to be doing things
that purposely violate the HTML standards.
, like that.
I'd put a > in front of it, and the > would carry through the "doing things" to the "that purposely". If there were *two* hard returns, that's when it'd stop.
That's all.
Oh. Uh. Cereal:
In the bright and shiny future, would it be possible to label your bookmarks somehow? That was an option at TT; and I'm using it as my personal Nillying system for remembering where really interesting discussions start; and it would be all neat to be able to find start of body image discussion in Bitches instead of Steph L. "Spike's Bitches 1: Heart of Snarkness" Oct 16, 2002 9:28:26 pm EDT.
It's already been requested.
Neat. Thanks. I didn't remember.