I am very happy that new shiny things are getting coded for the board.
I support the use of money we already have to update us, especially if it will fix that big problem thing we had.
While people are feeling productive do we need to pull out the feature wishlist?
I am going home now and will not be able to test. Sorry!
I'm curious about something. Does this break wrapping?
t Madonna deleted, experiment failed
Judging from the lack of success in the movie thread, ­ does precisely nothing. But I'm not surprised. HTML says that "-" is soft anyway, it seems.
I'm un-wrapped. Nice long horizontal scrollbar.
ETA: Using Firefox on Windows
Ah, never mind. Will delete. Have no pretty solutions.
I was also firefoxing if it makes a difference.
And, if memory serves correctly, I think Jessica is Firefoxing at home, so it may be a Firefox issue.
Unbalanced delimiters on href's should no longer be a problem in the test playground.
Next up: line choppage.
eta: Line choppage installed.
BTW, the line choppage works one way for Opera and Safari, and another for everyone else. Both are brutal. Long URL's (45+ characters) are doomed on Opera/Safari. All the other browsers should be able to use long url's.
Long url's seem to be preserved, in every browser.
eta: Hang off on testing ...
I hereby nominate Gus for the position of Weremonkey Rock Star.