I'll check and see what the backup schedule is.
Jon -- oh, ye of the brilliant idea -- I'm testing the anchor fix, and the page redirect hangs in Opera 7.23. Works fine in IE 6, though. Document says its 100% loaded, but the page never changes.
the page never changes.
Huh. Sounds like an Opera bug, no? Not that that helps.
Sounds like an Opera bug, no?
Or perhaps something Opera's being strict on that IE isn't.
But if Opera refuses to do it, one way or another, I don't think we can implement the change.
You've got it hard-wired to land on post #5, right? Works in Mozilla.
You've got it hard-wired to land on post #5, right?
I did, to make sure it wasn't the link formation at fault. Changed now -- see if it still works for you.
Off to google, I suppose.
Yep - working nicely under Mozilla.
This is a longshot, but could the problem be that the name tag is just a number? Maybe name post 12 'p12' instead of '12'? Yes, I'm reaching.
Mmm. An idea ...
Tried it, and nope. Browsing the google results is going to take more time than I have right now. I'll try this evening.
Gah. Hangs in Opera 7.5 too. I hate computers.
How's that MARCIE filter? For the love of all that is Good and Holy?