The thing is, I know it will remember other UserID's, because other Buffistas have used my computer on occasion to log into the board, and I can come back later in the day, open the browser, and be logged in as that person. (Not that I would ever change anyone's tagline or anything.)
I'd recommend what DX said. I don't have the code in front of me, so I can't tell you who it's choosing to remember, but who should it?
I just checked, and Remember Me isn't checked for Bob. Which is additionally odd, because I couldn't login as Bob, but when I reused the activation URL, I was able to get into Bob's profile. I sent an admin email to confirm the password.
Bob is such a troublemaker. Vampires.
Connie, I just reset Bob's password.
Thank you! And I just rebooted, and when I came here it knew who I was. I feel so loved.
Heh. So I load up Mozilla this morning, and discover the system now remembers me as Phred.
But in my heart, you're still DX.
Not helpful, huh?
Something very odd is happening to the board today. When I go to the home page, everything shows up except for the table cell with the threads in it. I can see the right and left sidebars, and the maroon "Discussion Threads" bar...but no threads!
The Message Center, however, is working fine.
I'm running Win2K and IE6.
[eta: If I highlight within the big white space where the threads should be, I see the two rows of asterisks]