Say if I MARCIE scrappy, and she changed her name to Robin (like THAT would ever happen), would it affect my filter? Or does it go by number?
It would go by number. When Perkins changed to Lee, she had ita change the name associated with the user number, so if you'd MARCIE'd Perkins, Lee would be ignored, too. However, when scrappy changed her name, she created a new ID, so if you had scrappy on your MARCIE list, you'd have to add Robin to it as well.
OK, for the MARCIE filter, I had spec'ed out a revised editprofile page, but not the showthread page. At the time, Paul told me he didn't need the latter because the changes were pretty clear from the convo here. However, since it's been awhile, I whipped something up and emailed sample html for both pages over to Rob.
OK. If usability's a concern, I can give it the ol' hairy eyeball over the weekend.
(By the way, OmniGraffle RAWKS for sitemapping.)
(Incidentally, I would be happy if Michele gave it the once over. She's the usability queen.)
Just a curiousity, but why are there three rows of white-fonted asterisks after the "Read New/Message Center" etc. links after the last post? I happened to hit my mouse button while headed for Read New in a thread and spotted them. They're here, too, and I'm just curious.
If they're part of the secret world domination plan, then just forget I asked and don't send the Ninja Robot Zombies to my house.
I think they're used to format the page correctly. I do know they're hidden, normally.
Buffistas: dominating the world through asterisks.
It's for spacing. For the pretty.
They're a secret little design hack -- helps maintain the width of the main column at a persistent size. There's surely a more elegant way to do it, but think of the asterisks as our own site Easter Egg -- a nice surprise hidden away for you.