eagerly steps forward to volunteer what with the no job having right now
SQL. Well. Also, MySQL and Postgres familiarity would be good too.
and steps right back again
I too hope I can do something useful for the board with my smallish brain at some point.
The FAQ needs to be updated...
ita, will there be beta testing needed, for those of us who have no programming skills whatsoever but want to help?
The FAQ needs to be updated...
This I can help with.
Is there protocol here - or just - figure out what's outdated and write up stuff that is correct to replace it?
figure out what's outdated and write up stuff that is correct to replace it?
That's what I've done so far.
I have some stuff we did on the FAQ a while back that never got updated.
That's what I've done so far.
Are your updates already there? Or is there a place where you have left off that I can begin? Should I start at the beginning and we compare notes?
Just don't want to do stuff you've already done.
(This could all be upthread it's hard for me to keep in mind what has been posted in this thread because so much of it is in technonotmylanguage).
I posted some updates (either here or in Bureau, oh, dear) which haven't made it in yet. I got up to "Q. Where can I find scripts online?" and stopped there.
I don't actually remember what DX has.
Once FAQ text is updated, I can htmlize it and load it in.
I don't actually remember what DX has.
DX - can you post your stuff? or e-mail them to me? I'll look around for Dana's stuff here and in Bureau and once I have them all together - I can do what is left - with, I'm sure, a lot of questions.
Sound workable?