I can't make the font size bigger or smaller in my posts. Is it just me?
Edited to say: Why yes, it was just me. Nothin' to see here.
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
I can't make the font size bigger or smaller in my posts. Is it just me?
Edited to say: Why yes, it was just me. Nothin' to see here.
Jen, I'm seeing the different font sizes and styles in both of those posts.
Duh. It is just me. I had my browser set oddly. Thx. Sorry. Nebbermind.
I just feel the need to share. I'm currently sharing time on a "computer" built by toddlers out of ABC blocks, lego, and tinkertoys, and negotiating the net with a dialup that was hot shit in the Pleistocene era, or possibly even before. I'm practicing my meditation while pages and sites load, and getting a little dusty sitting and waiting.
Every place but this one. b.org loads like oiled silk, and I click from page to page and manage to forget, while I'm on the board, that otherwise I don't seem to be living in the 21st Century this week. To all the folk responsible for the Phoenix, my deepest appreciation and thanks.
Seconds on the kudos. I don't even bother with the rest of the internet other than my Yahoo mail and b.org on my work computer. Mad props to the mad skilz.
(I feel so street. Yo.)
This may be a B-cy question, but I noticed that when you click on some people's html links (Nilly's for example) a new browser page opens up, but if you use the html codes on the page with quick-edits you get a link that takes the clicker away from B.org (and why would anyone ever want to leave?). Can we modify the sample html code for links to open up a new page?
Wolfram, I'm just writing the line <a href="address" target="_blank">name</a> and the addition of target="_blank" instead of <a href="address">name</a> is what makes the link open a new browser page (or, at least, that's what I think does it - I'm actually embarrassingly HTML-ignorant).
Can we modify the sample html code for links to open up a new page?
It's simple enough to right-click and choose the option that opens a new window. I'd rather leave the auto-linky-code as is and give users the choice. Of course, if a poster hand-codes a link, they should be free to include the target attribute if they want.
Thanks Nilly, I've bookmarked your post for future reference.
I'd rather leave the auto-linky-code as is and give users the choice.
Oh, and Nilly's html knowledge is correct - including target="_blank" always opens up a new window. You can actually replace _blank with anything, but if you use that anything again, the page will load in the same window that opened the last time you used anything. "_blank", however, will always open a brand new one.