I never said 800x600 wouldn't work. We decided long ago that we should design for 640x480.
What's the percentage of people still at 640x480?
Do you have problems, concerns or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
I never said 800x600 wouldn't work. We decided long ago that we should design for 640x480.
What's the percentage of people still at 640x480?
A Hecubus percentage.
I'm sorry, I'm really tired and should go to bed before I get even more cranky.
Well, that makes sense, then. I mainly asked because 2 years ago, the company I was web-deving for, which tried to keep things as backwards compatable as possible, stopped supporting anything less than 800 x 600.
I can't get my monitor to display anything less than 800 x 600. Heh. This relates to nothing, but means I can't play one of my games on it. Oh well.
Is there any reason for the bottom table to be a table? The one containing the posting form? Would it work as a centered div? Nevermind me, I'm just spewing suggestions.
I think we (and by we, I mean mostly Jon, and for that I apologize) should be able to find a way to not have the font sizes set in stone. In IE, it's often very important for me to resize a web site's text (Opera lets you force it).
I think we (and by we, I mean mostly Jon, and for that I apologize) should be able to find a way to not have the font sizes set in stone.
I agree (except the apologizing part --- not necessary), but it annoys me that it's basically a bug that's preventing some folks from changing the size. Browser preferences should allow one to override a stylesheet.
I'll play with the px to pt thing some more (but maybe not until next week).
The other option is to wait for ita to program personalized stylesheets stored under a user's profile. ;^)
Jon, just to clarify, I meant flush left with the large column where the posts appear. If we had the home/how-to/etc links flush left with that as well, it would look OK design-wise. Or we could get a Hec a new monitor and force the solution....
Mmmm, personalized stylesheets. I want the posts to all have Dublin Core compliant metadata tags! ;-)
Jon, just to clarify, I meant flush left with the large column where the posts appear.
If I understand you correctly, that's already what I was looking at --- to do that would require that the posting box be about 25% narrower.
If we had the home/how-to/etc links flush left with that as well, it would look OK design-wise.
Or maybe I'm not understanding you because isn't that already the case with those links?
They're flush with the headline of the page, but not the posts themselves (I have no recollection of why that indentation happened, by the way: age has its benefits). So on a long page, they look (currently on a Mac, on IE5) like they're centered on the page. My bad.
They're flush with the headline of the page, but not the posts themselves
OK, we're both wrong. They're centered. Try changing the width of your page and check it out.
I thought they were centered! Once again, my sense of reality is restored, however fragilely. Which leaves us with my original question about bringing the text box and the links flush left with the posts column, which is just a small-screen issue, as I understand it. Right?