Did we ever find out what cause this sort of error when hitting 'read New" in Safari?
Sophia, I have *no* idea. It looks like the browser is deciding not to parse the page, but instead to spit the whole thing out at you.
Maintenance announcement from HostRocket:
This is a network maintenance notification for Tuesday, April 1st, 2003 for 7:00pm EST. We will be installing a new Time Warner OC-3 connection to our network as well as another Cisco 7200 series router for redundancy in our datacenter. This change will help us to provide you with better service and speed to your web sites and dedicated servers. The switch for both changes will take place at 7:00pm EST and is expected to be concluded by 8:00pm EST. We have chosen this period to make the change as it is one of our lowest traffic points throughout the average day. Throughout you maintenance window you may experience packet loss or loss of connectivity while we make the upgrades. We appreciate your patience in this step to make our service better for all of you. We will take every step necessary to ensure that this upgrade will go as smoothly as possible. Thank you and thank you for using our services.