Huh. I'm getting the icon now. I wasn't getting it the other day and I don't know when it decided to appear, but there it is! Mozilla 1.2.1.
I added to the header which might make it show up in more places. Not in mine, Opera nor IE5.
Yup, it started working for me this morning, too. Cool beans.
DX, when you come through -- have you sucked and zipped?
Not yet, but I'm back home now, so I'll work on it this weekend.
Sorry, I finally did go to sleep. I meant, in addition to sorting by date, etc., would we be able to search just for posts between 3/1/3 and 3/12/3 or the like?
Good point. I'll have to mull the complexity of the implementation.
There is an error in the FAQ. One of the answers to the question "How many Buffistas does it take to change a lightbulb" is wrong. It currently reads:
A. And another to set up the threads, "The Lantern, the Torch, and their Lampshades," "Bulbista Bureaucracy," and "Torchiere!"
but it should be:
A. And another to set up the threads, "The Lantern, the Torch, and their Lampshades," "Bulbista Bureaucracy," and "Torchiere&Halojen4EVAH!"
It's possible the original FAQ page tried to interpret the &Halojen as an entity and failed, so that's why it went missing.
I must be feeling a little silly this morning, because Torchiere! is making me laugh like a drain!
DX, when you come through -- have you sucked and zipped?
Okay, Natters 1 - 5 are sucked, zipped, and up on the Archives page. I probably won't get to the rest today, but does are done if you want to do some experiments.
Thank you for the archiving! It has made my day to see a much shorter list of threads.
Quick question:
Do we have an estimated finish time for the user filter?
We don't have a finished spec, so not even a start time.
Rob hasn't been around much -- he was the one who dibbsed it, and speccing got derailed.
I'm around. As soon as you give me access to CVS I'll start familiarizing myself with Phoenix.
But, if there's someone else more qualified who really wants work on MARCIE, I can give up my dibbsies. I don't want to stand in the way.