Simple. Instead of 'hide' use 'Make blinvisible'. And then 'Unblinvisiblise'.
Cute, but too long a word for where it would appear on the page. I'd rather just have it as part of what replaces the text of the post like Noumenon's original suggestion: "Text of post rendered blinvisible by Marcie" (in tiny tagline-sized font) or something similar.
I'd love a feature where I could hide my own post, but make it clickable so others could see if they feel like clicking or not
If you have server space somewhere, you could just put it there and post a link to it here.
Are board mods going to be Formalised? Because it could make things take a while.
Kat, that sounds like the
t lj-cut
tag from LiveJournal. Interesting.
If you have server space somewhere, you could just put it there and post a link to it here.
Not an option for most, though.
Generally, I'd rather scroll through something I'm not interested in than have to click through to something I do want to read. Especially on slow-connection days. Just MO.
Kat, that sounds like the tag from LiveJournal. Interesting.
It's a functionality that motet has that I use with regularity, particularly if it's a long post that breaks into what is otherwise a topical kind of discussion. Also very handy for hiding all of the "Insents".
Dunno that we want it. Today is the first day that I have a need for it, but I kept thinking, "Damn, my application is 4 pages. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to read!" Maybe I'll just be an ass and post it anyway.
I was referring to
something that should be raised for Formal Discussion at some point
That's not something I want to see happen for modifications. The development cycle is fragile enough as it is, what with people's schedules and stuff.
I'm making this up as I go along, but blinvisible doesn't feel like something that needs voting -- it's a feature that people can use or not. Feedback feels like a much bigger cultural shift.