It's been proposed that you just hack it so it tries again if it comes up with that quote.
OK that's just doubly illogical. If we do something database intensive and it doesn't work, the solution is to do it twice a pageview, not once? What if it comes up with the "baby Jesus" thing again? You're going to make me wait for it to come up with an original quote, when people are reporting 6 out of 10 "baby Jesus"?
The beauty of my approach is, you note, once, how many quotes in the db, -- six hundred or so? -- you generate a random number, on load, from one to six hundred and the job's done. ita has to remember to change the upper limit when new quotes get added to the db, but as that's only ever happened once, and nobody would know if she forgot, it's not onerous.
This way we're hammering the database on every pageview in order to get something random, but we're not getting something random. It'd be more sensible to adopt one quote and stick with it...
I understand both ways I was illogical now. That's enough to make me be quiet for six months instead of suggesting easy code kludges that end up slowing down every page load and bothering the server.
Aw, don't take it that way. It's just the quote thing is a kind of specialist subject of mine.
I wanted to back down extra far because I was also pushy about Marcie just a few posts before and I probably don't know what I'm suggesting there either. My programming knowledge is limited to non-internet C++ stuff, so I mistakenly thought of the iterating as painless and the coding as one little if statement. Also I misread you about which randomization method was more database intensive.
I think it should be something about the Chosen One.
How about just the early-season opening credit thing about one girl in all the world, blah blah?
How about just the early-season opening credit thing about one girl in all the world, blah blah?
In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.
Whe Nou mentioned "
t strike
t /strike
" as an added feature, I bet I was the only one who thought, "Why chorionic villus sampling?"
t /natter
Whe Nou mentioned " CVS " as an added feature, I bet I was the only one who thought, "Why chorionic villus sampling?"
I always think of the pharmacy chain, myself.
t /other natter
I always think of the pharmacy chain, myself.
I think of the pharmacy chain, and then I think of my little sister's initials. Unfortunate, that....
t /last natterer